Senin, 14 Mei 2012

sex during and after pregnancy? why not....

Sex is natural in pregnancy. I remembered when one mom to be ask me bout this.  Actually it's safe to have sex with your partner when you are pregnant and you have change having multiple orgasm :p . Nope, it wont harm your baby.. But there are some conditions when your doctor will ask you not to have sex when you are pregnant, and here it is:
1. vaginal bleeding, discharge
2. cramping, premature contraction
3. history of miscarriages, or you have tendency to have it
4. placenta previa
5. incompetent servix
6. multiples
You dont have any risk? Then go to your room and flirt him, LOL
Some doctors believe that we should avoiding sex in last week of pregnancy coz prostaglandin in semen could induce contraction but recomended for overdue and want to induce labour., but the other doctors didn't believe in it,, and about the position, avoid lying back in your position so it wont constrict your blood vessel.

How about sex after pregnancy?
Well, as we know that there are some changes in mom's after deliver their baby,, hormone level, postpartum bleeding, healing from episiotomy (incision of your perineum during pregnancy) or cesarean scar, your emotion and of course your time for your baby,, 24/7 or you dont feel sexy with your body,, for new daddy,, especially if they saw their partner during labour and see the pain,, they often feel stress and dont think of making love,, or some of those men feel neglected coz mommy gets busy with baby and lack of attention for daddy,, Communication and help from other caregivers so you have time alone will be the solution.
When the time is right...
But when? Lot of new parents ask bout this issue,, An old fashioned practitioner said that it save having sex six weeks after delivery (post partum period, ,,time for womb turn back to it's normal condition) but nowadays there's no strict recommendation about the right time coz many of women said that they dont feel hurt during that time. Some said it is safe to have an intercourse after any scars are fully healed. And when the mom is ready and do it slowly till mom is ready and well lubricated (you can use lubricant coz low hormones will make your vagina a little bit dry),, During avoidance you can do alternatives like hand job or oral. But be careful, dont blow air in to mom's V coz one case in england said air make an emboli that caused the new mom die. And dont put your finger inside during avoidance to reduce risk of infection coz there are dilated vaginal blood vessel as the port d' entry of infection, but you can stimulate her in their clitoris.

Ok, that's sexy health tips of the day.. I have to go coz my baby is kicking and I think he's hungry,, It's 2 am,, please,,